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Electrolysys FAQ

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Electrolysis Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ):

To date there is no statistical evidence that laser hair removal is permanent. Although, with use of the laser, hair may not grow within many months from the time of the treatment, it serves only as a prolonged temporary method. There have also been numerous cases reported of skin discoloring especially among darker skinned individuals as well as scarring. The lighter hair can not be removed with laser, because it cannot be seen by the laser light, only the darker hairs can. Several laser manufactures received FDA ( permission to claim "permanent reduction", but NOT "permanent removal". This means that although laser treatments will reduce the total number of body hairs, they will not result in a permanent removal of all hair. In our office we do a lot of after laser cleanups by removing hairs that were not affected by laser light or hairs that are growing back.
fda approved

Electrolysis is a comfortable treatment but it is important to keep in mind that pain is a very subjective thing. The goal of electrolysis is to kill a hair follicle so there has to be enough current flowing into your hair follicle to eradicate the cells responsible for hair growth. It is impossible to destroy hair growth tissue without at least some sensation because each hair follicle is surrounded by its own network of nerve endings. The sensation you might experience depends on many reasons including where one is having treatment and what method is used. Some parts of the body are more sensitive than others. The upper lip is a little more sensitive because the skin is thin, especially right beneath the nose. In many cases electrolysis on the upper lip stimulates sneezing. Also, as the skin is more sensitive around one’s menstrual cycle, very often we advise our clients to avoid treatment during that time. Our clients have described the sensation as a sting, a mosquito bite, a pinch or gradually building warmth. Many adjustments can be made which help make the treatment more comfortable. We have a lot of young girls (as early as age 9) that we work on and in those cases we sometimes recommend a numbing cream. In all other cases our clients DO NOT require any type of numbing creams. We utilize the latest Apilus computerized state-of-the-art electrolysis equipment for the most comfortable and effective permanent hair removal procedure available.
electrolysis wrong insertions

All hair bearing areas of the face and body except inside the ears and nostrils.

State licensing laws and/or some general liability insurance policies may prohibit removal of hair from moles.  In cases where neither of the above restrictions exists, your electrologist may require written approval from your physician.

Every hair grows in 3 phases: Anagen, Catagen and Telogen. Anagen - The hair is active, growing and visible above the skin. Catagen - The growth process stopped. The hair is ready to shed. Telogen: - This is the resting stage. Hair in this stage is called "bed" or "club" hair. These hairs fall out daily. Hairs are best treated in the first phase (Anagen). It is important that the treatments are done on regular basis so that the cells never have the chance to regain their strength.  The word "permanent" should not be confused with "immediate". For permanent removal of active hair follicles a series of treatments is required over a period of time. Weekly or bi-weekly sessions are the most effective determined by area size and an amount of hairs.   For most effective treatment you should adhere to your recommended schedule. Clients will notice their hairs becoming finer, lighter in color and taking longer to re-grow. Visits becoming shorter in duration and spaced further apart. On your first visit you are advised of the overall length of time you will be in treatment. Most of our clients have permanent results after 25-30 visits within 1 year.

Electrolysis is a safe and the only permanent hair removal service that can be applied to anyone, with the following exceptions:  - those who wear pacemakers - contagious skin conditions

Yes, we do. BUT, we do NOT treat men below the waist area.

Electrolysis can be performed during pregnancy, but we suggest that you seek the advice of your physician during the last 3 months. If you choose to have electrolysis, the breasts should be avoided in the last trimester, especially if you’re going to breastfeed. In the final weeks of pregnancy, you should avoid the abdomen because it is very sensitive and would be very uncomfortable for you at this point in the pregnancy. There are two types of current used in electrolysis, thermolysis and galvanic. Thermolysis may also be referred to as short wave. Galvanic electrolysis sends an electrical current through the client and back to the device. This is not recommended because the baby is surrounded by amniotic fluid. In this situation, amniotic fluid acts as a conductor of electricity. For this reason, galvanic current is NOT recommended for electrolysis during pregnancy. Thermolysis does not flow through the body and has not been found to be harmful to pregnant women or the fetus.

Most of the time the expense for the electrolysis is in the first 2-3 months. The cost of each session is based on a 15 minute increments. When considering the cost, take into consideration the cost in dollars and time you spend on temporary methods, which will continue forever. The cost of razors, waxes and creams can add up over a life time. Much of your time is also spent tediously tending to the problem of removing unwanted hair. Electrolysis is by far the most cost effective solution that will pay off in the long run by saving money and time. Electrolysis is an investment in yourself that will continue to yield life-long benefits and satisfaction.   Make a commitment to yourself for yourself!

Although there are many reasons to choose electrolysis over other temporary methods  such as tweezing, shaving or waxing, there is one reason which stands above all the others: PERMANENCE!   Electrolysis is the PERMANENT HAIR REMOVAL service. Temporary methods require frequent, time-consuming maintenance. Skin irritations, ingrown hairs, discoloration and scarring may result. These methods may contribute to an increase in hair growth activity. By using the electrolysis method, you will see that unwanted hair will be removed safely, and permanently. If you feel that unwanted hair is in any way a nuisance or an embarrassment, THEN ELECTROLYSIS IS DEFINITELY FOR YOU!  Click here for more information on 7 keys to successful permanent hair removal
Electrolysis comparison

DO NOT pluck, shave or wax!!! After initial treatment there may be some hair remaining that was not removed, either due to the time constraints or because some hairs were not out at that time. Just trim the hair with a pair of small scissors, making sure to allow enough time for the hair to grow a bit prior to your next appointment. What is not seen - cannot be treated. Bleaching is fine as long as you bleach the hair a week before the appointment.

We are licensed electrologists who specialize in successfully treating clients with Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome ( PCOS ) and endocrine disorders that cause unwanted hair problems. We want all women with Polycystic Ovary Syndrome ( PCOS ) and other endocrine disorders to be aware that their unwanted hair problems are easily treatable and not hopeless. We work closely with local physicians to help you attain complete permanent hair removal, emotional well-being and self-esteem.

Many PCOS clients through doctor’s referrals have attained tremendous results and personal satisfaction.

What is PCOS ?  It is a genetic hormonal disorder. PCOS symptoms occur because of the body’s inability to process insulin correctly, creating an excess of insulin and glucose in the body. This results in an imbalance with other hormones so the body produces more male hormones, preventing ovulation. The most common symptom of PCOS is excess facial and/or body hair growth.

PCOS has four main features:

  1. skin and hair changes related to testosterone ( oily skin, acne, loss of scalp hair )

  2. irregular periods, and sometimes, difficulty becoming pregnant

  3. problems with weight

  4. metabolic abnormalities, principally high insulin levels

PCOS affects each woman differently, so someone with PCOS may or may not have all of the symptoms listed. 

One of the useful resource is website where you can get more information or take a quiz to determine if you have PCOS. Also, click for more information on Polycystic Ovary Syndrome & Hirsutism

Electrolysis is the ONLY safe method recommended by the FDA in working near the eyes. Because radiation can damage the eyes, people should not have work done on their eyebrows via laser. Laser hair removal should NOT be performed on eyebrow region, because the risks and side effects include: Iris atrophy and posterior synechiae Iris damage and acute pigmentation Irreversible cataract Inflammation of the interior eye

The growing trend for smooth, hair-free skin is here to stay, and teenagers are first in line when it comes to removing unwanted hair. As fine and light-coloured as it may be, hair is simply not tolerated. Young girls compare with each other; one friend shaves, the other doesn’t. One sees an aesthetician for waxing while the other has the privilege of undergoing electrolysis. One question remains in the minds of many parents: at what age should we allow teenagers to begin hair removal, and which method is best? There is no ideal age to begin hair removal; the best course of action is to discuss the subject openly with teenagers before thet pick up a razor in the bathroom and shave all unwanted hair with unfortunate consequences. Here are a few methods of temporary hair removal, pilosity reduction, and permanent hair removal available to today’s teenagers. We qualify certain techniques of "temporary", because in these cases, hair is bound to grow back in the short or medium term, and it may even become darker and stronger than it was before. * Razors, clippers, depilatory lotions and abrasives are readily accessible low-cost methods. It comes as no surprise that they are very popular with teenagers. However, they generally stimulate hair regrowth, especially in sex-specific areas, and the results are short-lived. In most cases, we can see the hair shaft stick out of the skin as early as the next day. As far as shaving is concerned, there is also a risk of cuts and infection if the razor is not properly disinfected or if it was borrowed from another family member. * Mechanical epilators that use a coiled spring are a fairly painful method that yields mixed results at best. When using this type of device, the hair can become highly distorted and often breaks in its follicle, which promotes the appearance of ingrown hair with or without infection. And hair regrowth is still stimulated and fairly quick. * Bleaching creams give the hair a yellowish color and open its scales, which increases its diameter. Even if a teenager has facial hair, it would be much better to use a different method, since this method makes the hair more apparent once the effect of bleaching fades. * Waxing and plucking are two hair removal methods that provide slower hair regrowth ( up to 3 weeks), which is very convenient for teenagers. However, they can be painful for certain people. There is also a risk of distorted hair follicles or ingrown hair with or without infection if the technique is not properly executed. Hair regrowth is stimulated, regardless of the type of wax used: hard, soft, hot or cold, or even sugar. * Laser or IPL (Intense Pulsed Light) hair removal is not effective on all skin and hair types. It is costly technique that yields a reduction of pilosity rather than permanent hair removal. Moreover, remember that teenage hair is often quite fine and barely pigmented. For this reason, it would be better to wait until the end of adolescence before resorting to this method.  Electrolysis, to date is the only permanent hair removal method known to be effective on all skin and hair types, regardless of the treated area. With new state-of-the-art electrolysis equipment, we can offer teenagers highly effective treatments with hardly any feeling. There are even insulated probes that can protect the skin surface while providing extra comfort and effectiveness. Electrolysis therefore the ideal method to rid teenagers of unwanted hair for life. Particularly in the facial area, electrolysis is the method of choice for young women, because unlike laser, there is no need to shave the face prior to treatment. Although it requires discipline, electrolysis is safe and has no side effects.  In short, regardless of the selected hair removal mode, the most important thing is for teenagers to feel good about themselves. However, when the budget allows it, the ideal would be to give the best present there is, and that is a smooth, hair-free skin for life. It is an intelligent investment for which the teen’s will be eternally grateful. 

Not recommended. There is a high risk that the blisters may burst. The infection would then spread and form scabs. Precautionary measure! After the infected area has healed, wait at least two weeks before performing electrolysis treatments. The heat could otherwise stimulate the latent virus for a short time.

We are NJ State certified in electrolysis permanent hair removal. Visit our electrolysis NJ offices in Fair Lawn Bergen county for a FREE electrolysis consultation. Explore our electrolysis nj site and learn more !
AEA certified

AENJ certified
